Harvest Moon - The Tale of Two Towns (HMTToTT)

articles from : fogu.com/

The Story of the Two Towns

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Long ago the towns of Bluebell and Konohana were friendly neighbors, joined together by a tunnel underneath the mountain that separates the towns. Eventually the towns started to disagree with each other on whose town had the best cooking cousine.
As the villagers became more obnoxious with each other, the Harvest Goddess became more annoyed with them. One day she finally put her foot down and collapsed the tunnel between the towns, cutting them off from each other. Now the only interaction the towns have with each other is at their cooking festival, where their cooking conflict continues four times per season.
As a new farmer, you are eager to start your new life at one of the towns but a freak travel accident makes you to forget what town you originally were going to live in! Listen to each mayor's story, hear about each town, and then decide where you want to start your new farm life.

Game Features

As its name implies, Tale of Two Towns allows you to select the town you want to live in. Bluebell Town's specialty is with animals such as cows, chickens, sheep, and the new alpaca. Konohana Town concentrates on growing crops, trees, and grains. Both farms in each town have a small area where you can have some of the other town's features; there are small fields for crops on the Bluebell Town farm and a small barn for animals on the Konohana Town farm.
Different villagers live in each town and have their own theme. Bluebell Town is a European-style town and Konohana Town is Asian-themed. Unique shops exist in both towns and you will need to travel across the mountain to shop in each town.
Residing in a specific town is not permanent. You can change your home town once per season and are free to move back and forth between towns. Players are expected to move from time to time in order to upgrade each farm and experience each town's separate festivals.

Some other features include:
  • the ability to select your character's gender at the beginning of the game.
  • six different marriage candidates to select from.
  • seasonal festivals that are unique to each town.
  • a vast mountainous area where you can find items, fish, and bugs to sell.
  • mid-day weather changes.
  • the new dating feature, where you must go out on dates with your potential spouse.
  • a message board request system where villagers will post requests for your help.
  • new flower crops such as Rose, Carnation, and Sunflower.
  • cat and dog pets who will automatically herd your animals outside.
  • winter season crops.
  • weekly cooking festival based on salad, soup, main course, and dessert recipes.
  • and much more!
Download Link : Harvest Moon - The Tale of Two Towns

Lady Pixie

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